Grades 9-12 Mathematics Curriculum Map and Course Overviews
The Curriculum Map and Overview of A Story of Functions provides teachers with a clear picture of the modules at each grade level from Grades 9 to 12. The following are detailed for each high school course: a summary of the year, the rationale for the module sequence, the major emphasis clusters, and an alignment chart which provides the length of each module and the associated standards.
The Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II Course Overviews provide guidance in developing curricular materials by combining information from the New York State Common Core Learning Standards, the PARCC Model Content Frameworks, NYSED standards clarifications, and the Progressions.
The CCLS Checklist for Algebra I provides a chart with an at-a-glance view of when each standard is addressed.
Please Note: Although the Board of Regents has not yet determined if New York State will administer PARCC assessments when they are available beginning in the 2014-15 school year, the PARCC Model Content Frameworks at are firmly rooted in the Common Core Learning Standards and college/career readiness. Therefore, all curricular and professional development resources produced by the State Education Department will follow these Frameworks, as will State assessments beginning with the 2013-14 school year. For more information on the role of the Frameworks please go to