EngageNY Regents Exams
The New Regents Examinations
As part of the Regents Reform Agenda, New York State has embarked on a comprehensive reform initiative to ensure that schools prepare students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in college and in their careers. To realize the goals of this agenda, changes are occurring in standards, curricula, and assessments. The Board of Regents adopted the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy and Mathematics at its July 2010 meeting and incorporated New York-specific additions, creating the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS), at its January 2011 meeting. As a result, New York State is deeply engaged in a revision of the current State assessment program to measure the New York State P-12 CCLS. The first Regents Exams measuring the Common Core Learning Standards were administered this Spring. Information on those exams can be found in the links below.
When will the Regents Examinations Change?
Information on the implementation of New York State’s new Common Core exams is available at the following links:
- Update on Common Core Regents Exams: Class of 2022
- Updated 4/3/17
- EngageNY Common Core Implementation Timeline
- Summary of the Transition to the Common Core Regents Examinations
- NYSED Memo on Transition to Common Core Regents Examinations in English Language Arts and Mathematics
- Transition to the Regents Examination in Algebra II (Common Core) and Phase-Out of the Regents Examination in Algebra 2/Trigonometry
- Transition to the Regents Examination in Algebra II (Common Core)
- Updated 12/21/15
What information is available on the new Regents Examinations?
- Regents Examination in Mathematics (Common Core) - Updated 12/14/15
- Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core)
Resources for understanding the Spring 2015 Regents Examination
Resources for understanding the Spring 2014 Regents Examination
- English Language Arts (Common Core) - Released exams and annotated questions
- Mathematics: Algebra I (Common Core) - Released exams and annotated questions