Office of State Assessment

Multiple-Choice Item-Writing Form

The Multiple Choice Item-Writing Form is used by the New York State educators who develop the Regents Exam as a tool to systematically craft multiple-choice questions (items) that meet the demands of the Common Core, especially the use of textual evidence to support the correct response for each multiple-choice question.

Educators may consider using the Multiple Choice Item-Writing Form in their own classrooms to craft formative multiple-choice questions that rigorously address the Reading and Language Common Core Learning Standards. The Multiple Choice Item-Writing Form can also be used in teacher trainings to build a greater understanding of assessments and assessment design, and how to make inferences on the basis of the selection of incorrect, but plausible, answer options. Finally, educators can use the Multiple Choice Item-Writing Form in tandem with other Common Core Assessment Design resources on EngageNY in professional development sessions focused on building capacity within their schools and/or districts to design their own formative assessment and use assessment data to drive instructional decisions and differentiation.

Downloadable Resources

Multiple-Choice Item-Writing Form PDF file (205.19 KB)

Last Updated: September 15, 2022